You Don't Have To Be A Qualified Writer To Write A Great Blog
I use writing as a release and I want Mid to be a place for others to release whatever they need. That is why I am looking for guest bloggers to contribute. So if you've ever felt like you wanted to write something or you just want to get something off your chest, why not now? Why not today?
Writing really helps me clear my mind, and I want it to be a platform to help others too.
Head to our Be Our Guest tab to contact us
Happy Writing.
What Does Mid Ask For In a Guest Blog?
Thinking of getting involved but don't know where to start? Have a gander at Mid's checklist of what I look for in a guest blog/ blogger.
Stay on Topic- Mid wants to include as many ideas as possible so as long as you are writing about your mid twenties we take everything: love, career, friendships, relationships, life choices... the list goes on
Write What You Feel- when it comes to blogging honesty really is the best policy
Don't Try And Over Complicate- long syllabled words are not necessary
How Long?- looking for anything between 300 and 1000 words
Not In Your Mids?- it doesn't matter if you want to reminisce on your mid twenties or if you want to predict what will happen when you reach them, as long as it's related, it can feature!
Let's create a positive online community and get through our mid twenties together!