Settle Or Settle?
We are often told that we live our lives at too fast a pace. We need to settle down, take a minute and appreciate what we have. We need...
We are often told that we live our lives at too fast a pace. We need to settle down, take a minute and appreciate what we have. We need...
We are coming to the end of the bluest month of the year. January is the month of dark mornings, cold days, saying goodbye to the festive...
You often hear people describe others as being confident or shy. Like you can either be one or the other. Like you have it or you don’t....
A new year. A new you. Anything new makes us reflect and plan for what’s next. And a new year is a perfect time to look back on what you...
It’s easy to forget what you are worth. Someone reminded me very recently that you should never underestimate your abilities and never...
I am tired! Physically tired. It feels like I am living life walking through honey. My body is heavy. My limbs can moan and groan in...
Written By Anonymous I am lonely. It’s hard to say or even type that as I shouldn’t be, not really. I have a fantastic long term partner,...
Sometimes life can feel like your’e on a timer. The days pass by so fast. How have we gotten to the tenth month of 2018? And we always...
Written By Anon You arrived two years ago, without warning and stealthily snuck into my life. You weren’t invited, you weren’t wanted and...
What if is a question that comes up time and time again throughout our lives, but it is even more prevalent in your mid twenties. You are...
It’s official… I’ve reached my mid twenties. And it’s made me question, am I successful? How do I measure success at life? * (*Note)...
‘What am I going to wear?’: A question every lady asks herself, not only in her mid twenties but throughout her whole life. But since...
Coincidence is a strange thing. Sometimes we don’t realise it until later in life. Think about how you got into your current job, or how...
I have always felt more comfortable around guys than women. It’s always been the case, but it became apparent ever since school. I put it...
In my teens it was a rarity for me to cry. No sob story or sad film could make me shed a tear; I felt like I had a heart of stone. But,...
Every day we ask and are asked this question. But do we ever truly mean it? Do we ever actually 100% care how the person is, or do you...
Written By Alice Richardson I was lucky enough to be born into what I would consider a very comfortable, middle class family. I grew up...
It seems everyone has their own stories of being exposed to sexism. But now the Weinstein can is open, I think it’s important to continue...
Written By Cassie Brown Life in my mid-twenties is, generally speaking, pretty great. I’m not married, I have no kids and I don’t own a...
Maybe it has always been that every generation has had their share of moaners. After all, the British love a good complain about...