What if is a question that comes up time and time again throughout our lives, but it is even more prevalent in your mid twenties. You are at a stage in your life where everything before you feels like it has shaped you and carved the path for where you are standing now and everything that lies ahead seems to be so uncertain that every small decision we make comes with a what if, an uncertainty that if we make one wrong step, our life could take a tumble.
It can be small what ifs.
What if I don’t go out tonight? Will I miss out? What if I buy a new jumper on payday? Will I have enough money for the rest of the month?
Or they can be bigger…
What if I got out of that sour relationship sooner? Or if I didn’t say yes to the first date in the beginning?
What if I decided to go to a different university? Or study something completely different? What if I didn’t get the job I have now? Or met the people that mean the most to me? Would I be a different person? Would I have achieved all that I have? Or should I have achieved more?
And they can eat away at us when focusing on what the future has in store.
What if everything falls apart? What if I find myself unhappy or stuck in a rut? What if I wanted to be somewhere by now and I am no where near achieving the goals I set out for myself in the past? What if I take risks and make mistakes that could ruin everything? And what if I don’t know what to do next?
We could spend all our time looking back on the what if’s. However, not only will we struggle to live in the moment, we will waste time trying to figure out questions that don’t have any definitive answers.
I believe everything happens for a reason, fate and karma places us where we need to be, so sit back, work hard and ride the wave fate hands you. Because ‘what if’ the next chapter of your life is amazing? And what if the what if’s you are asking yourself is the thing in the way from getting where you are supposed to be?