I Am Lonely
Written By Anonymous I am lonely. It’s hard to say or even type that as I shouldn’t be, not really. I have a fantastic long term partner,...
Written By Anonymous I am lonely. It’s hard to say or even type that as I shouldn’t be, not really. I have a fantastic long term partner,...
Written By Anon You arrived two years ago, without warning and stealthily snuck into my life. You weren’t invited, you weren’t wanted and...
It’s official… I’ve reached my mid twenties. And it’s made me question, am I successful? How do I measure success at life? * (*Note)...
Coincidence is a strange thing. Sometimes we don’t realise it until later in life. Think about how you got into your current job, or how...
Written By Alice Richardson I was lucky enough to be born into what I would consider a very comfortable, middle class family. I grew up...
Written By Cassie Brown Life in my mid-twenties is, generally speaking, pretty great. I’m not married, I have no kids and I don’t own a...
Written By Anon I’m really struggling with finding genuineness in relationships at the moment. Not necessarily the people that are close...
Mid blog has now been live for just over four weeks! And I have had so many people tentatively message me saying they would love to write...
Written By Elizabeth Graham Stop waiting for tomorrow, next week, next month or next year….. My early twenties were a challenging time...
Written by Chris Bone I still at times feel 25, perhaps that is because nothing major has changed in the proceeding decade since...
Written by Stephanie Rathbone My mid 20 journey so far has been somewhat eventful to say the least... Where to begin? Let’s begin with...