Mid blog has now been live for just over four weeks! And I have had so many people tentatively message me saying they would love to write something but they don’t think they would be any good at it, or they don’t know what they would even write about.
But a blog post doesn’t have to be perfect. Not every piece has to go viral. Writing isn't about that for me. What makes a good blog post in my opinion is being open, honest and writing about things that are real.
I love writing and I find it so helpful to offload the thoughts in my mind. I have written over 100 articles for other online publications (some my own ideas and some set titles) over the past 4 years and I have used it as a sort of therapy! After spending some time getting my own ideas into a sort of structure or researching a topic I didn’t know much about in order to write 500 words covering it, I’ve always felt better. It comes with a sense of accomplishing something that you can see right in front of you and is unique to you. No one else will ever create the same thing again (unless they plagiarise! Cheeky!) And in a society that seems to be obsessed with being individual, what better way to express yourself?
But I am no professional writer, as much as I would love to be. I didn’t study anything like creative writing or journalism, my spelling is atrocious and my computer has a tab with a thesaurus open at all times.
Yet I have had countless of pieces feature on other people’s publications, so I can’t be that bad at it.
And the most important thing for me when it comes to MID, is for it to be the platform for other people to use, as I have used other writers as my platform and it has really helped me.
We are quick to say to ourselves ‘There is no way I could do that!’ And we are all guilty of it. But instead of thinking ‘We can’t’, we need to change our mindset to think ‘What is the worst that could happen if we try?’
So push your insecurities out of your head. And get your thoughts down on paper. You may surprise yourself.
If you would like to submit a piece for MID Blog or have a chat about a subject you'd like to cover, email me at elledouglassinger@gmail.com