Written By Anon

I’m really struggling with finding genuineness in relationships at the moment. Not necessarily the people that are close to me, and not to point out any particular couples I know and love. But since being single I find myself so exposed to dishonesty. I can spot it in the crowd. The lies. The deceit. I witness it first-hand. The flirty texts I receive from girls’ boyfriends. The propositions. The secrets I know. They put so much trust in me. One slip and it could all crumble.
Was it always like this? Sure, we may have made mistakes when we were younger, but we grow out of that, right? Maybe we don’t?
The endless cheating scandals in the paper, the gossip I hear about friends of friends, the happily ever after marriage and then messy divorce. Welcome to the 21st century, where we judge a person’s happiness on their Instagram feed – the more photos of a couple, the happier they must be, right? Little do we know she’s still texting her ex.
Maybe it’s the generation we live in? Everything is so much more accessible these days – we’re all just a cheeky DM away from each other. But has that affected our morals too? Is selfishness and greed a side-effect of the 21st century and its technology?
And how am I meant to react to this exposure? Is it naïve of me to want another relationship? Should dishonesty just be expected? Has it become the norm?
Do I even want to put myself in a position where I could be another victim of dishonesty and deceit?
I do see happiness out there. Good, honest, genuine relationships. They don’t lie, they don’t cheat, they deservedly trust each other completely. It does exist. A good number of friends of mine are prime examples. It just sometimes gets concealed by everything else.
What’s the trick? How do we find someone that wouldn’t do that to us? Do tell.. I guess that’s just the risk we take when we let someone in. We just hope that we’re enough.
I, in the meantime, have discovered one of the main advantages of being single – I have nothing to hide. I can do what I want, who I want, when I want, and not have to lie. I love it. Who ever said that being single wasn’t great? More people should try it.
I think I’m the most honest now than I’ve ever been.
Who knows what the trick is – the answer to my questions. Right now, I’m just enjoying being on my own, swerving fuckboys disguised as boyfriends, and feeling sorry for those whose secrets I share and could expose.