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Take Time

Writer: Elle Douglas Elle Douglas

Sometimes life can feel like your’e on a timer. The days pass by so fast. How have we gotten to the tenth month of 2018?

And we always seem to have to fill our time with something worthy. Something that we can post on Instagram. Something that will contribute to our five year plan. Or that is how I feel.

I am a workaholic. I am worried that if I’m not doing something that people will think that I am lazy. That if my time isn't committed to my work that I will fail. I will drop the ball and have no job, no work, no purpose.

I feel like I am constantly rushing to get everything done. That my life falls into 30 minute sections and I am quickly getting as much as I can done in one section of time.

More and more I find myself trying to take some time out and failing. I zone out of the book I am reading, so I have to go back and re read the last chapter as my mind was in other places and i haven't picked up any of the plot. I pause Netflix series ten minutes in so I can send that email, write that invoice, goggle search for my next project. Even writing, something that I love and find helps clear my mind, I haven’t posted in over a month.

But I need to remind myself that it is ok to have some down time. Actually it’s important.

And how do we do it?

I found this has helped me, and I hope it can help you.

I am a lover of lists. I constantly have a couple of To Do post its on the go. I recently was told at a business course I am currently doing (see I told you, no time for rest) that to achieve everything you want to in a week you must write a to do list and stick to it. But to make sure you give equal time to everything that is important to you, you should divide it into sections. Work, Home, Family, Me Time. I found that sticking that up every week and crossing off everything on the list allows me to see my down time as something that has to be done that week! How do you think I have found the time to write this post? It’s on the list.

Hit pause on your stopwatch! Take some time for yourself and don’t feel guilty for doing so. We all need some respite or else we will drive ourselves into the ground.


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