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But What Will I Wear?

Writer: Elle Douglas Elle Douglas

‘What am I going to wear?’: A question every lady asks herself, not only in her mid twenties but throughout her whole life.

But since hitting my mid twenties, it’s became less of a question and more of a daily dilemma.

Ok maybe dilemma is a little dramatic. But I would say over the past three years I have gone from someone who loves a good shop and always has ideas on what I can wear, to having no clue and coming back from every shopping trip empty handed.

Is it the end of the world? No! I can safely say my bank balance and the pole in my wardrobe highly appreciates the lack of new clothes, but it has made me question why? What has changed?

At 25, right smack bang in the middle of my twenties I was two stone heavier than I am now. People who know me won’t believe me when I say that, but the scales never lie. I was squeezing myself into size 10 clothes, in denial that I could be a 12, I had never been a size 12, all the shops must have changed their sizes! (Not saying being a size 12 is a bad thing, it was just a size I had never been before.)

I became aware of my stomach and stopped wearing anything tight fitting.

Skip forward only a year, and I had lost so much weight, the smallest size in any shop was too big. People around me started to ask questions about whether I had a problem with food. I was eating, I was eating a lot, but I was also working a lot too and couldn't seem to keep hold of any calories. I was so thin, I found it hard to look at myself and it made me so ill, I had to take some time off work.

Is the dramatic flux and ebb of my weight a contributor to me now not knowing where my style lies? Or is it just being in your mids is an awkward stage for fashion; a stage where I feel mini skirts are too young for me now but that doesn’t mean I’m going to swaddle myself in cardigans and ankle lengths. Or is it what is in style at the moment doesn't suit my straight up and down body shape? That I’m not overly a fan of patterns and I don’t have any boobs for anything low cut, and that’s just what’s in right now.

I hope to get my style back, to see something in a shop and instantly know it’s a bit of me and I’m going to feel amazing in it. But for now it’s all about the style of a toddler for me: you’ll find me in oversized jumpers and dungarees for AW18, here’s hoping that’s in!


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