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The Generation Of First World Problems

Writer: Elle Douglas Elle Douglas

Maybe it has always been that every generation has had their share of moaners. After all, the British love a good complain about something. If the ‘Don’t get me started…’ game was a sport, we would surely be taking home the gold at every olympics.

But at the moment I feel like I am surrounded by people my age who can only have a conversation if they are having a bitch or moan about something.

Yes we are a generation that has it’s hardships. It’s hard to get onto the property ladder, so much so, a lot of us are still reliant on our parents for our living situation and that does nothing for your self esteem. As an adult, it’s depressing to still have to rely on your parents for such a big thing.

On top of that, where in the past to get a job, getting a University education made you stand out from the crowd, now you need your degree, maybe even a masters and three years of job specific experience (it always makes me wonder how anyone is even getting their first job if everyone needs at least 3 years experience to even get their foot in the door.)

But every generation, has had their share of hurdles to overcome.

And these important topics aren’t what everyone seems to be moaning about.

We moan about having to go to work, about not having enough money even though it’s us who's spent it all. About being overweight but still ordering from Just Eat every day. We moan about the World Cup overtaking Corrie for one night. About a Youtube video taking more than 4 seconds to load. When Netflix doesn’t upload an episode when they said they would. We are the generation of first world problem moaners.

And put a few of us together and it turns into a game of first world top trumps. It seems we are constantly trying to outdo each other to prove we are in the worse situation, that we are the worst done by in the world. It’s rare to have a conversation these days with people my age that has positive vibes only.

A mere 80 years ago, people in their mid twenties were actually going overseas to fight for their country, and I wonder, if World War Three broke out now (fingers crossed it never does), how would our generation cope going to war when it was an outrage for weeks that KFC ran out of chicken?

I say it’s time we stop giving Moaning Mrytle a run for her money, put on our positive pants and see the bigger picture.

We aren’t too hard done by. We are a generation of opportunity, technology and travel!

If we can’t succeed in this world, we might as well get off now.


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