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What January Blues?

Writer: Elle Douglas Elle Douglas

We are coming to the end of the bluest month of the year. January is the month of dark mornings, cold days, saying goodbye to the festive period and a tiny bank balance. It would be easy to get yourself deep into a January slump, but we have so much we can congratulate ourselves on.

We are one month closer to the sun!

Yes it’s absolutely freezing, (in fact is was minus 6 this morning, cold enough to make you want to vomit) but with January out of the way, we are just a bit closer to the summer.

We can have cosy nights in!

It is still cold enough to have the excuse of not going out! And although it’s nice to have plans outside your four walls, it’s equally nice to wrap yourself up in your dressing gown and binge watch Netflix! Might as well get through those series while frost is still on the ground right?

Jumper’s are amazing!

I am most definitely not a winter person, but one thing I do love is wearing a massively oversized jumper and getting away with it as a decent outfit! Winner!

Frosty mornings are super pretty!

Yes we may not want to go out in it, but you can’t deny a smile crosses your face when you open your curtains on a morning and see a beautiful frosty day outside.

Payday is here!

Enough said. We spent last month saying ‘Fuck it, it’s Christmas’ every five minutes and we’ve spent this month regretting that every time we ate beans on toast! Hurray for payday!

We still don’t know what's in store!

We are only a month into 2019, so who knows what else this year has in store for us. And not knowing makes it all the more exciting right? Anything can happen.

So let’s have a glass half full approach to the rest of 2019! We got this!



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