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How Do I Look?

Writer: Elle Douglas Elle Douglas

Are we generation who care more about what is on the outside as opposed to what is on the inside?

I too am guilty of vanity. I can take several pictures with several filters before I deem it an acceptable shot for Instagram. If I walk past any reflective surface, I check to see how my hair is looking. I have a wardrobe full of outfits that have only seen the light of day once for one event, and I am reluctant to wear it again because I know people have seen me in it and there’s photographic evidence that I have worn it before. But are we a generation that are too obsessed with how we look and how the world sees us?

I found out something the other day that truly shocked me! More people applied for this year’s series of Love Island than combined applicants of Oxford and Cambridge University in 2018.

I have never seen any of Love Island but I’ve heard it’s basically Big Brother on an island where the contestants are beautiful, tanned and look good in swimwear, and they are looking for ‘love’ and willing to have sex on National TV (with multiple people) in order to win some cash. Are more people interested in that than learning and obtaining a degree? Call me boring but I know which one I’d choose!

Maybe it is the industry I work in; looks come first and then comes talent. If you don’t look right, you can wave goodbye to the job you are auditioning for. I have worked for companies before that has a clause in my contract to say if i gain any weight, they have the right to terminate!

It’s true what they say, surround yourself with like minded people, as the people around you are subconsciously or obviously influential.

My work mates and friends are frequently talking about what they would love to change about themselves and are going to (in my opinion) extreme measures to change the way they look. They openly discuss all the cosmetic surgeries they long to have. They take ‘ fat burners’ (pills that supposedly make you lose weight, however it has been reported that some contain tape worms so that’s how you actually lose weight, not from the pill itself). or pay hundreds of pounds for shake diets. They cover themselves in tan enhancer and saunter off to sun beds, returning sun burnt from UV light. Lip fillers and botox are a common topic, and a common ‘looking for recommendations post seen on Facebook.. And some of these guys are barely over 21!

The mind boggles! These people are beautiful and talented, and that is without all their extreme beauty regimes!

I want to empathise I am not judging. Anything to make yourself feel better. But is there a line? And what is this doing to their self esteem and more importantly their health? How have we gone from just getting a few highlights and painting your nails, to injecting your lips and getting implants?

Or maybe I just wasn’t aware of what people did to look good?

As I said, being around people who are constantly buffing and tanning themselves does rub off on you (metaphorically). Suddenly I am bothered by things that never bothered me before. Are my boobs too small? Should my bum be more pert? Should I get myself on a sun bed? Do I look older than my actual age? But then I think yes, who wouldn’t want to look their best, but it must be exhausting to constantly have something beauty related to do. I barely remember to shave my legs. And as for paying for extreme changes. I can live with small boobs and have a few extra holidays. Even if I do look like a 13 year old boy in a bikini, at least it’s another place ticked off my travel bucket list.

It always feels good to look nice. And I don’t regret the time and money I spend on pampering myself, however I always like to remind myself that when I’m on my death bed ( in many many many years time) I will remember the times I spent making memories with the people I hold dearest, not reminiscing on how good my skin looked the time or how round my bum looked once. You only live once, so live it doing activities other than plucking your eyebrows and exfoliating! I’m sure it will be more than worth it.


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