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Mid- An Introduction

Writer: Elle Douglas Elle Douglas

First of all, if you are reading this, thank you. The amount of blogs and platforms, podcasts and news articles, Insta stories and status updates we see on a daily basis, it means a lot that you are taking the time out of your day to read what I have to say.

I have been writing for others blogs and publications now for around about 4 years, and I have found being able to contribute to these platforms helpful. Not only for my hope to improve and better my writing and to challenge myself, but it has helped me as a release. A tool to release my every day thoughts and feelings, and just generally let go of all the thoughts in my head that don’t need to fester there.

Mid for myself is a platform to further this release. And I hope it will help fellow mid twenty people find some sort of release too.

Living in the now as a mid twenty something I would say is full of doubt and pressure. Where are we supposed to be at this age? Are we supposed to be career focused or relationship focused? Can we be both? Should we start settling down or are your mids a time that can still be used to explore and experiment?

Every day I have conversations with my friends and colleagues who seem to be in a state of limbo. We are too old to have the young and reckless excuse yet too young to feel like we have it all figured out.

And living in the now gives us so many options. We can live wherever we want, date whoever we want, and we have been taught that we can achieve anything if we put our mind to it. But what if our minds don’t know what we want? How can we make life decisions when we are not sure where our life is going?

But I don’t want this to be all doom and gloom. Yes, us mids have our problems but we also have a ball too. I have little responsibility, with disposable income so if I want that new dress, or to see that play or to treat myself I can. I do a job a love with no worries of rent or mortgage payments (i know this is not the case with most mid twenty somethings) and i never live in the same place for more than half a year. I can take holidays without the thought of anyone or anything keeping me tied to it.

I have wanted to start my own blog for ages and couldn't think of a subject that I thought interesting enough to warrant a whole website. But then I realised, it’s not about writing over anything life changing. Not every post has to include incredible prose with witty humour and a solid through line. It is just about getting your thoughts down on paper, and sharing your thoughts and feelings so that you can make sense of them in your head and you could also potentially invite your reader to understand that they are not alone in how they feel.

So buckle up, and follow mine and my contributors views on living in the modern world as someone who is in their mid twenties.


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