There is an old saying which reads: ‘When you come to a fork in the road, take it,’ meaning when you have a decision to make, take the leap and stick to it. I think it’s a great way to tackle life decisions, but a fork in the road really only refers to a T junction or at a push a cross road, meaning you only have a few options in which way to go. Living now in your mid twenties, it feels like you are standing in front of a spaghetti junction as opposed to a fork.
We have so many options in life, which if looked at in a positive light, means there’s excitement around every corner; we really can’t truly know what the future has in store for us and there’s no limitations on what we can do or where we can go.
Look back to only a few generations to your grandparents. The average mid twenty in that generation would probably be married to someone who was from not far from where they are from, someone they have probably grown up with, and they are settled in a house they own near to where they have lived their entire life, with a few children. A simple life.
A life that my gran says, if she were born now instead of 1938, she wouldn't have chosen. She always says if she were born when I was, she probably wouldn't have had children, and she would be travelling and seeing the world. Not that she regrets her choice, but she had limited options because that’s just what you did back then.
Looking at my friends now in my millennial generation , although some of them are married with children, the majority are working on their careers and relationships, moving across the world to have an adventure, travelling for months at a time with no worries. It’s hard not to look at your own life and compare them to the lives of your generation. We are so spoilt for choice and have such a fear of FOMO, it becomes hard to make a solid decision.
But then I have friends who are achieving so much. They have their own businesses, or have moved to a different country. Friends who are working their way up fantastic career ladders and ones who have really loving happy marriages. They are truly living it up as a millennial!
I am at a point of approaching my spaghetti junction. Part of me wants to continue moving from place to place every year for work, performing on stage almost every night, and to stick to my freelancer instability. But another part of me is screaming for a stable life. To settle in one place, buy a house, more importantly, buy a dog and start to really root myself to one place and blossom a life there. But one of my biggest fears is making the wrong decision. I don’t want to look back and think why did I make a drastic change and steer away from a time that was so fantastic.
I believe this generation is a great one to be living in. But are we spoilt for choice? Does having all these options help or hinder us? Are the sheer amount of things that are on offer to us achievable? And how can we be sure we are taking the correct fork in the road?
Yes the world is my oyster, but I’m not sure which oyster I should choose, or whether an oyster is really the right way to go.
