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An Honest Review Of Dishonesty

Written By Anon I’m really struggling with finding genuineness in relationships at the moment. Not necessarily the people that are close...

What To Write?

Mid blog has now been live for just over four weeks! And I have had so many people tentatively message me saying they would love to write...

Be You

Written By Elizabeth Graham Stop waiting for tomorrow, next week, next month or next year….. My early twenties were a challenging time...

How Do I Look?

Are we generation who care more about what is on the outside as opposed to what is on the inside? I too am guilty of vanity. I can take...


I have been self employed ever since I graduated in 2012 and it’s one thing I am really proud of. Not only because all of the jobs I have...

Expectations Vs Reality

Written by Stephanie Rathbone My mid 20 journey so far has been somewhat eventful to say the least... Where to begin? Let’s begin with...

The World Is Your Oyster??

There is an old saying which reads: ‘When you come to a fork in the road, take it,’ meaning when you have a decision to make, take the...

Mid- An Introduction

First of all, if you are reading this, thank you. The amount of blogs and platforms, podcasts and news articles, Insta stories and status...

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